LYLESART was founded in 2014 and has developed an avenue to mobilize the artistic expression of local and regional artists who excel at communicating powerful concepts in diverse media.

We act as a cataylst by intergrating arts and cultural programming, workforce enhancement, hands on education, and artistic intervention.

Our belief is that everyone in Northeast Ohio, can develop high-level art skills, become more confident engaged learners, and develop their own identities as creative individuals.

To reinforce STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) curricula within schools; and engage Cleveland's youth in learning positive life skills, job skills, creative problem solving, and high quality visual art techniques.

LYLESART intends to annually impact the lives of young aspiring artisans. Our resources will augment mentorship support, direct effective discussions, lectures, workshop programs through numerous art-based developmental activities.

P.O.Box 43021 Richmond Heights, Ohio  44143-0021
440 | 561 | 0336
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