One of our many goals at Lylesart is to leverage the power and potential of communities. We aim for impactful advocacy strategies with workshops, programming, navigating public spaces for greater visibility for emerging artists and person to person engagement.


Community Photo Project, is a community-based program that cultivates community engagement through instruction of photography to an underserved population in Northeast, Ohio through workshops and mentorships. The goal is to explore critical social justice issues directly related to their lives and community through creativity.

ARTUCATION « Virtual learning environment

Intergrated Visual medium workshops that links students and professional artists through advanced visual education. Students are exposed to a variety of specialized artists who discuss their careers. 


Neighborhood media art, urban agriculture project is a new media youth development workshop that cultivates community engagement through the enrichment of farming, documentation, media literacy, land presevation practices and Social media engagement.

We strengthen and grow our capacity as a Northeast Ohio based arts and cultural non-profit, by building cultural programs and relationships across communities.
We have been providing annual programs that have already benefited over 10,000 youth and residents in Ohio.

All of Lylesart programing are supported in part by the residents of Northeast Ohio through grants from Public funding, Charitable foundations, and the continuing support of our Board of Directors, Individual donors, and You.

Community Partners

Public Funders

P.O.Box 43021 Richmond Heights, Ohio  44143-0021
440 | 561 | 0336
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